The issue of democracy, democratization and good governance permeates all constitutional democracies in this modern era. Therefore, electoral rights require a sound and sustainable democracy upon which to thrive. The author therefore argues that in most democracies, there is a visible denial of franchise rights to citizens. The paper maintains that there are countries where there is denial of franchise rights on account of sex, eligibility, prison term incarceration, academic qualifications and religious learnings (as in India) and etc. Human rights is a subject that must be held sacrosanct and a denial in what over guised
will negatively implicate any society in bad rights. The method adopted in this paper is doctrinal. The author then concludes that the idea of democratization both at international and national levels is aimed at ensuring equal suffrage. This will promote franchise right which will augur well for good governance premised on the fact that a mandate won is based on majority vote.
Keywords: Election, International Law, Democracy.